Agricultural Use. A use involving the production, keeping, or maintenance for sale, lease or personal use of plants and animals useful to man, including but not limited to forages, grain and seed crops, dairy animals, poultry, beef, sheep, horses, pigs, bees, fur animals, trees, food of all kinds, vegetables, nurseries, and land devoted to soil conservation or forestry-management programs. Best Management Practices (BMPs). A practice or combination of practices for preventing or reducing diffuse or nonpoint-source pollution to a level compatible with water-quality goals.
Boundary. A map line that defines the area of national interest in the White Clay Creek watershed. The area to be protected through local laws, plans and ordinances, and the use of other existing laws.
Channel Modification. Any channel-widening, deepening, realignment or lining other than for the support of existing highway, bridge and rail facilities.
Classification. Under the Wild & Scenic Rivers Act, a system for assessing existing development levels and for directing future management; the proposed classifications on the White Clay Creek are scenic and recreational.
Clearcutting. The removal of an entire stand of forest vegetation.
Commercial Development. Any use, except home occupations, involving the offer for sale, rental or distribution of goods, services or commodities; or the provision of recreational facilities or activities for a fee, but not including the manufacture of goods or commodities.
Conditional Use. A use generally appropriate for a zoning district but permitted only after review by local officials and with the possible attachment of conditions pursuant to criteria set forth in the zoning ordinance for this class of use.
Conservation Easement. A flexible legal instrument that protects land while leaving it in private ownership. The easement, a legal document, guides future uses of a property regardless of ownership. A landowner generally donates the easement to a qualified conservation organization or government agency which in turn ensures that the conditions of the easement are met over time.
Critical Habitat. That area of land or water that is crucial to the survival of either a plant or animal species.
Cultural Resources. Tangible and intangible features, animate or inanimate, that provide information about a cultural system; this may include human history, archaeological sites, industrial remnants and architectural features.
Easement. A partial interest in land.
Erosion Hazard Area. An area especially subject to the detachment and movement of soils or rock fragments; or to the wearing away of the land surface by water, wind, ice and gravity; particularly those areas located along the escarpments lining the sides of White Clay Creek and its tributaries.
Essential Services. Underground or overhead gas, electrical, steam or water distribution systems; collection, communication, supply or waste-disposal systems; including poles, wires, mains, drains, sewers, pipes, conduits, cables, fire-alarm boxes, traffic signals, hydrants or other similar equipment and accessories in conjunction with the services; but not including buildings or transmission services.
Fee Title Acquisition. Outright purchase of a property.
Feedlot. A lot or building, or a combination of lots and buildings, intended for the confined feeding, breeding, raising or holding of animals and specifically designed as a confinement area in which manure may accumulate; or in which the concentration of animals prevents maintenance of a vegetative cover within the enclosure. Open lots used for the feeding and rearing of poultry are considered feedlots.
First Order Stream. Stream networks are described according to a system of orders in which the smallest streams are designated first-order. When two first-order streams join they form a second-order stream and so on.
Fish and Wildlife Management. The management of the characteristics and interactions of fish and wildlife populations and their habitats in order to promote, protect or enhance the ecological integrity of those populations.
Floodplain. The channel of a natural stream and the relatively flat area adjoining the channel, which has been or which may be covered by flood water, including, at a minimum, those areas designated by the Federal Insurance Administration and/or the Federal Emergency Management Agency as "flood hazard areas.
Forestry. The management, including growing or harvesting, of a forest, woodland or plantation, including the construction, alteration or maintenance of woods roads and landings and related research and educational activities.
Historic District. A geographically definable area, urban or rural, that possesses a significant concentration, linkage or continuity of sites, buildings, structures or objects united historically by past events, aesthetically by plan, or physically by development.
Impervious Surface. Any material which prevents the absorption of stormwater into previously undeveloped land.
Impoundment. Any body of water located on a tributary, brook, stream, kill or river formed by a new manmade structure within the boundary of the designated river; this does not include structures for fishery management such as eel weirs, or small agricultural ponds not on tributaries.
Interpretive Program. A program designed to develop a visitor's interest in, and enjoyment and understanding of, an area by describing and explaining its characteristics and their interrelationships.
Jurisdiction. The limits or territory within which authority may be exercised.
Jurisdictional Wetland. An area defined as a wetland under the methodology established by the Federal Interagency Committee for Wetland Delineation in the handbook "Federal Manual for Identifying and Delineating Jurisdictional Wetlands (Manual). In general, the three technical criteria established in the manual for defining wetlands are that the site must possess hydrophytic vegetation, hydric soils, and wetland hydrology, the driving force creating wetlands.
Landfill. A site where trash or refuse, including toxic or radioactive waste, is buried as part of a public or private business operation.
Lateral Boundary. The landward corridor line that runs generally parallel to a creek and its designated tributaries.
Lot Coverage. That portion or percentage of the lot area which is covered by buildings, pavement or other impervious surfaces (also known as building coverage).
Lot. A parcel of land designated by metes and bounds, registered land survey, auditor's plot or other accepted means; and separated from other parcels or portions by the description for the purpose of sale, lease, or separation of the parcel or portion.
Natural Cover. Natural vegetation including trees, shrubs, or other plants which help to keep soil from being washed or blown away.
Overlay District. A zoning district which overlays other zoning districts (the requirements of which are applicable to any lot) and imposes additional requirements without changing any normally applicable within those districts.
Perennial Stream. A stream that flows during all seasons.
Population Density. The number of families, individual dwelling units or principal structures per unit of land.
Precautionary Slope. Lands having average slopes of 15 to 20 percent, as measured over horizontal distances of 50 feet or more.
Public Access Area. A publicly owned area where the general public can gain access to the creek. Facilities at these areas may include parking lot, map of the stream, comfort station, public telephone, trash containers, boat-launching area, and limited picnicking sites.
Public Facility. A facility operated by a unit of government.
Ridgeline. The point at which the plane which constitutes the side of the stream valley intersects with the plane of the plateau adjacent to the stream valley, often resulting in a broad precipice or cliff face overlooking the White Clay Creek or any of its tributaries.
Second Order Stream. Stream networks are described according to a system of orders in which the smallest streams are designated first-order. When two first-order streams join they form a second-order stream and so on.
Riparian Zone. The bed of a stream, its banks, and that adjacent land area vegetated by species that are well-adapted to periodic flooding.
Riparian Forest Buffer (RFB). A forested area situated between a stream and an adjacent land use which is managed to help maintain the hydrology and ecology of stream channels and shorelines; prevent or reduce upland sources of pollution from reaching surface waters by trapping, filtering, and converting sediments, nutrients and chemicals; and protect fish and wildlife by supplying food, cover and shade.
Scenic Easement. A strip of land dedicated by easement or covenant on a deed to remain in a natural and protected state.
Selective Cutting. The removal of single scattered trees.
Setback. The minimum horizontal distance between a structure and the normal high-water level or between a structure and a road or highway.
Sewage System. Any system for the collection, treatment and dispersion of sewage, including but not limited to septic tanks, soil-absorption systems and drain fields.
Significant Cultural Site. Any archaeological or historical site, standing structure, or any other property that:
- Is listed on the National Register of Historic Places;
- Is listed on the State Register of Historic Sites;
- Is determined to be an unplatted cemetery; or
- Is determined to meet the qualifications for listing on the National Register of Historic Places or the State Register of Historic Sites after review by the appropriate state agency.
Steep Slope. Lands having average slopes of 20 percent or more, as measured over horizontal distances of 50 feet or more.
Stewardship. An individual's responsible management of his or her land or property with proper regard to the conservation of the scenery and the natural, historic, and wildlife values that said property possesses.
Stream Corridor. White Clay Creek, its tributaries and their immediate environments, including adjacent land areas.
Stream Discharge. The discharge of treated or untreated effluent to a stream.
Stream Rest Stop. An area reached by watercraft where people in that watercraft can stop and rest. Facilities at these areas may include a map of the stream, comfort station and trash containers.
Structure. Any building, sign, or appurtenances to the sign or building; except aerial or under ground utility lines, such as sewer, electric, telephone, telegraph or gas lines, including towers, poles and other supporting appurtenances.
Subdivision. Improved or unimproved land or lands which are divided for the purpose of ready sale or lease, or divided successfully within a five-year period for the purpose of sale or lease, into three or more lots or parcels of less than ten acres each, contiguous in area and under common ownership or control.
Terminal Boundary. For the purposes of this management plan, the boundary at either the upper or lower end of the White Clay Creek study area.
Wetlands. Lands transitional between terrestrial and aquatic systems, where the water table is usually at or near the surface, or the land use covered by shallow water. For purposes of this definition, wetlands must have the following three attributes:
- A predominance of hydric soils.
- Inundation or saturation by surface or groundwater at a frequency and duration sufficient to support a prevalence of hydrophytic vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions; and
- Ability under normal circumstances to support a prevalence of such vegetation.