Soil Survey Enlargements Index Map; SCS; 1963; shows map number for entire county.
Drainage Basins, Chester County; Chester County Planning Commission; March 1963; map (1"=4.5miles), showing major, sub-major, minor and sub-minor drainage basins.
Natural Environment and Planning, Chester County; Chester County Planning Commission; July 1963; landform, geology, soils, woodlands, climate; Physical Planning Regions Characteristics, slope, drainage basin, erosion, woodlands.
Aerial Geology, Chester County; Chester County Planning Commission; 1970; quad maps at (1:24000 or 1"=8000') Newark West Quad (MD, DE, PA), Coatesville (PA), Kennett Square (DE, PA), West Grove (PA, DE); geology superimposed on the topo maps.
Chester County Geology; Chester County Planning Commission; June 1973; geology quads, Geology section from 1964 County Natural Environment and Planning, reprint Engineering Characteristics of Pennsylvania rocks, reprint Hydrology of Rocks of Central Chester County (Brandywine Creek area); maps include geology, structural units and groundwater capabilities.
Water Resources Inventory Study, Volume 3, Clay and Elk Sub-basin, Chester County, PA; Chester County Water Resources Authority and Chester County Planning Commission; 1979; Water Supply Budget, Effect of Urbanization, White Clay Creek-description, water budget, groundwater quality, surface water quality, future scenarios; maps show geology, public water supply, wastewater management, on lot disposal.
Open Space and Recreation Study, County Plan Element #2, Chester County, PA; Chester County Planning Commission, Parks and Recreation Board; June 1982; folio that has recommendations map and summary of study.
Open Space and Recreation Study, County Plan Element #2, Chester County, PA; Chester County Planning Commission, Parks and Recreation Board; June 1982; natural features, settlement patterns, open space and recreation, goal statement, citizen input, and for each category standards, site selection, use and facilities are described and mapped including conservation areas and water recreation areas, need evaluation for each category, priority actions for each category; maps include unique natural areas (1-29), inventory summary (4-9), municipal regulations for various open space and recreation provisions (4-22), stream valley status for protection (5-10), status of unique natural areas (5-15), boating resource analysis (5-50), recommendations summary (1"=8000') includes unique natural resource preservation and stream valley preservation (6-41).
Recommendations for the Development, Maintenance, and Management of the London Britain State Park; Township Board of Supervisors; August, 1984; appendix includes vegetation, wildlife, fish, existing structures and historic sites of the White Clay Creek.
Land Use Plan, County Plan Element #5, Chester County, PA; Chester County Planning Commission; June 1988; plan organization, relation to municipal plans, 1970-2000 patterns, existing land use, future land use plans, and the definition of each category including methodology, policy and strategy, (stream & valley greenway are one of the categories); Maps include Composite Land Use Plans (1"=8000'), 1987 Existing Land Use (1"=8000'), need 2010 Future Land Use; figures include land use comparison and definition, development trends 1970-2000, external influences, highway needs, recommended park and trail networks, stream valley preservation, low groundwater yield source, headwaters of major streams.
New Garden Agricultural Security Area, Chester County; October 1989; map (1"=3600 feet) showing areas of agricultural security. Executive Summary of the Open Space and Recreation Study, Chester County; Chester County Planning Commission; November 1989; one paragraph each on natural resources, settlement patterns, open space and recreation, goals, standards, inventory, needs, recommendations, actions.
Water Protected Use Designations for Streams in Chester County, PA; Chester County Planning Commission; July 1991; map (1"=8000') showing stream basin classifications, special protection and aquatic life designations.
Stream Water Quality Classifications, Planning Bulletin #37, Chester County, PA; Chester County Planning Commission; July 1991; federal and state regulations, county drainage basins and protected use designations, land use planning recommendations; map of drainage basins (same as Natural Environment and Planning document).
Chester County Census 1990: General Characteristics of Population and Housing for Chester County; Chester County Planning Commission; December 1991; profiles of each township and borough. 1
992 Township Directory of Chester County; Association of Township Officials; highlighted local officials with name, address and phone.
Chester County Economic Profile; Chester County Planning Commission; January 1992; summary of regional location, natural resources, man-made resources, population, housing, land use, labor stats, employment stats, economic census, economic activity centers, tourism, public finance, population and employment projections.
London Britain Agricultural Security Area, Chester County; April 1992; map (1"=2000) showing areas of agricultural security.
London Grove Agricultural Security Area, Chester County; April 1992; map (1"=3200) showing areas of agricultural security.
Penn Township Agricultural Security Area, Chester County; April 1992; map (1"=2400) showing areas of agricultural security.
Chester County Profile 1990; Chester County Planning Commission; June 1992; demographics, housing, land use, land development, transportation, economy, government, community facilities, community services, utilities. PA National Register Sites List; June 1992; has municipality, historic name, address and date listed. Also have the list of sites that are eligible.
Flora Survey of London Grove Township; 1993; Ebert and Holt; preliminary study, concentrating on woodland species, includes background, maps and lists.
Report on the Reptiles and Amphibians of London Grove Township; January 1993; Hyla Associates; methodology, findings, recommendations for land management.
PA Natural Heritage Diversity Index; April 1993; list and generalized locations for PA rare, threatened and endangered species.
Flood Insurance Studies; FEMA; identifies flood problems, flood protection measures, floodplain boundaries, rate map; Avondale, November 1987; East Marlborough, January 1981; Londonderry, April 1988; West Marlborough, July 1983.
Flood Insurance Rate Maps; FEMA; flood hazard areas for 100 and 500 year floods; Avondale, November 1987; East Marlborough, July 1981; Londonderry, April, 1988; London Grove, February 1983; New Garden, October 1982; New London, November 1982; Penn November, 1982; West Marlborough, January 1984 .
Floodway Maps; FEMA; flood boundaries and floodways; East Marlborough, July 1981; West Marlborough, January 1984. Chester County Soils; SCS; legend for soil survey, describing characteristics of each soil series, no maps are included in this document.
Selected Soil Survey Maps for Chester and Delaware Counties; SCS; maps at 1"=800; soil series polygons superimposed on aerial photography.
Birds of the White Clay Creek Valley; January 1973; Delmarva Ornithologist, Volume 8, Number 1; Delmarva Ornithological Society; general information article on where and how to spot unique species, lists and location map.
Hydrology of Selected Sites in the Greater Newark Area; September 1974; John H. Talley for the State Geological Survey; location of additional groundwater supply, summary of geology and groundwater sources, maps.
Natural Resource Inventory of the Middle Run Study Area, New Castle County, DE; Jack McCormick and Associates, Inc.; June 1975; inventory of geology, ground and surface water, topography, soils. vegetation, wildlife, water quality, aquatic biology, socio-economics, demographic analysis.
Critical Environmental Areas of the Middle Run Study Area and Techniques for Their Preserva
Ground Water Investigations in the Delaware Piedmont for the City of Newark; August 1977; William F. Hahn for the Delaware Geological Survey; identification of 30 high yield wells in the Piedmont portion of the state; geologic and hydrologic framework.
Well and Aquifer Tests, Laird Tract Well Field, Newark; March 1978; Talley and Hahn for the Delaware Geological Survey; study of the hydrologic properties of the crystalline rock aquifer, limitations, charts, graphs.
Bird Census of the White Clay Creek Area; January 1973; Delmarva Ornithologist, Volume 8, Number 1; Delmarva Ornithological Society; 164 species reported, lists, maps, tables.
Water Supply Alternatives Evaluation, Environmental Assessment; Water Resources Agency; February 1984; this is the supporting document for the Water 2000.
Future Water Supply Projects for Northern New Castle County; Water Resources Agency, June 1984; evaluation, alternatives, recommendations.
Comprehensive Park Acquisition and Development Plan; September 1984; New Castle County Parks Dept; service, maintenance, capitol cost.
New Castle County Road Map; New Castle County Planning Department; July 1985; set of 3 maps (1"=2000') showing all roads and streams.
Pike Creek Greenway Study, New Castle County; Delaware Nature Society and New Castle County Department of Planning; 1985; greenway model, application to Pike Creek, resource inventory, management recommendations, protection strategy; maps of national register sites, historic zones, historic sites, prehistoric sites, scenic vistas, water testing stations.
New Castle County Blue line Resource Maps; New Castle County Department of Planning; 1986; (1"=10,000') maps of historic resources, zoning of vacant land, existing developed land, drainage basins, land cover, hydrology, slopes, soil associations, soils suitability, mineral resources, existing land uses, landform and elevations, critical natural areas, physiographic and geologic regions.
Index and Base Maps; New Castle County Planning Commission; 1986; map with USGS quad names for the county.
Order No. 86-WS-01, Additions to the Water 2000 Plan; DNREC; January 1986.
Notice of Commission Action; DRBC; changes to Commission's Comprehensive Plan; October 1986.
Comprehensive Plan, Background Report, New Castle County, DE; New Castle County Department of Planning; December 1986; population, existing land use, natural Physical features, public infrastructure, analysis and conclusion, DE Land Evaluation and Assessment System; drainage basins map.
Water Resource Protection Areas; Water Resources Agency, New Castle County; 1987; map includes outcrops, drainage areas, wellheads, floodplain, steep slopes, recharge area; have sheet 1 of 3, watershed only on map 1.
Update on Issues for the Middle Run Valley Management Plan; 1987; New Castle County; discussion of several issues including volunteer coordination, hunting, revenue accounting, and dumps.
Comprehensive Development Plan, New Castle County; New Castle County Planning Department; November 1988; growth management, natural resources, community character, land use intensity, economic development, community facilities; tables include suburban land conversion, historic resources; maps include vacant land zoning, historic resources, concept map (1:2200), planning districts, physiographic regions, hydrology, land cover, steep slopes, critical natural areas, municipalities, existing zoning of vacant land, historic resources.
Red Clay Valley Scenic River and Highway Study, New Castle County; New Castle County Department of Planning; 1988; maps of historic resources, natural; resource protection areas, visual landscapes, targeted areas for protection; have poster summary and full document.
Census Tracts for Housing and Population, New Castle County; New Castle County; 1990; charts of census information broken down by tract for housing, race and veteran status
Delaware Road Map; DE Department of Transportation; 1990; road map includes public airports, state park facilities, recreation opportunities.
Bibliography from the Water Resources Agency for New Castle County; November 1990.
New Castle County Map; 1991; streets, zip codes.
Water Resources Protection Regulations, 5th edition, City of Newark; City of Newark; April 1991; Amendments to Chapter 30 of the Water Code of the City of Newark; mentioned in Open Space and Historic Resources Preservation of the White Clay Valley "...recently adopted by Newark and New Castle County are additional protection for ground and surface water resources.. and should provide important back-up to the eventual recommendations of the DOI "Wild and Scenic] Study."
Amendment to Add a Water Resource Protection Zone; New Castle County; September 1991.
Ogletown Interchange Improvement Project; DE DOT; November 1991; ACOE application package, Environmental Assessment, DNREC Subaqueous Lands Application.
Open Space and Historic Resources Preservation of the White Clay Valley, New Castle County; New Castle County Department of Planning in conjunction with the Delaware State Greenspace Program; January 1992; map of the basin in Delaware, summary of previous studies, historic resources, recommendations, appendix that has an inventory of historic sites, bibliography for historic resources; maps of water powered mills, historic sites, land use and ownership.
Middle Run Valley Mosaic Plan; New Castle County Department of Planning and Parks and Recreation; Spring 1992; describes how each landscape unit, identified in Phase 1 and 2 reports, should be managed over a 18 year period; types of management are identified for natural areas, reforestation, sustained Yield Woodlot, Reversion, Open Meadow, Cropping and Day Use Area.
1991 Annual Profile, New Castle County, DE; Spring 1992; New Castle County Department of Planning; demographics, transportation, community facilities and services, development activity, growth management, comprehensive plan implementation and monitoring, and description, zoning, building and growth management issues for each district (Parts of districts #3 Greater Newark, #6 Piedmont, #8 Lower Christiania, #9 Pike Creek/Central Kirkwood, and #10 Upper Christiania are included in the White Clay Creek drainage basin; maps of water supply service areas, sewer service areas, emergency service areas, schools, zoning classification key; chart of site classifications, protection standards and amendments.
Historic Resources Code Book for Computer Database; New Castle County Planning Department; June 1992; descriptions for dbase codes.
1992 Delaware Water Quality Inventory; DNREC; August 1992; state wide assessment of surface water and groundwater resources, water resource management and pollution control programs; part I is general information statewide, Part II is specific to each watershed- we have White Clay basin assessment.
Long Range Departmental Master Plan FY 1994-2012; October 1992; New Castle County Department of Parks and Recreation; demographics, need analysis, 20 year facilities and services management plan, 20 year capitol request plan, strategies.
Delaware Natural Heritage Inventory, State Heritage Ranking; November 1992; packet with list and legend for heritage ratings; list of endangered, threatened, proposed for listing and candidate plant species by county; list with rankings for DE plants of special concern; list of plant species to watch for; list of species of special concern in the White Clay Creek Valley.
Streets and Roads Subdivisions Zoning Ordinance; New Castle County Council; 1992.
Historic Resources in New Castle County; New Castle Planning Department; February 1993; printout for National Register of Historic Places in the White Clay Hundred, Mill Creek Hundred and City of Newark; these include name, tax parcel, National Historic Landmark, National Register, Determination of Eligibility, or Historic Zone.
Surface Water Quality Standards; DNREC; February 1993; definitions, criteria.
Excerpts from the Delaware Breeding Bird Atlas; in publication, 1993; Richard West; several block numbers, species identified and their status.
Flood Insurance Studies; FEMA; identifies flood problems, flood protection measures, floodplain boundaries, rate map; City of Newark, April 1988; City of Wilmington, August 1991; New Castle County unincorporated areas, July 1990.
Flood Insurance Rate Maps; FEMA; flood hazard areas for 100 and 500 year floods; City of Newark, April 1988; City of Wilmington, August 1991; New Castle County unincorporated areas, 1986-1990 and index, July 1990.
Middle Run Valley Natural Area; New Castle County Department of Parks and Recreation; pamphlet with description of area, map with trails, structures and roads.
Greenway Concept for the White Clay Creek; DNREC Parks & Recreation; amphibian and reptiles section.
Selected Hydrologic Maps of Newark and Wilmington Areas; Delaware Geological Survey; geology history, structure and identification, hydrologic features and man made structures.
County and State Parks Map; 1"=2500'.
Various Ordinances for New Castle County; Floodplains, fill, transportation, resource protection, recreation wetlands, building permits, land development, open space, dwellings, historic resource zones.
Flora and Fauna of White Clay Creek and Valley; Dorothy Miller; March 1970; not official census, but, compilation of field notes listing plants and animals found in the Valley; since the writing of this document, the purple fringeless orchid now listed as endangered.
Natural Attributes of the White Clay Creek; DRBC; June 1970; summary of resource information.
Portrait of White Clay Creek; Nancy Steele, Stroud Water Resources, in Frontiers; Oct/Nov 1971; article describing the Creek and Stroud's research.
DNREC Natural Areas Study; June 1975; White Clay Creek section, wood and rock outcrop, state park, Jackson Hollow, Middle Run, Clyde Farm, Owl Trail Woods, Whitely Farms, Fall/Spring Woods.
White Clay and Red Clay Creek Electrofishing Samples; DE Fish and Wildlife; October 1971.
White Clay Creek Watershed Study Act Briefing; from "MARO Regional" Director to Director, HCRS; January 1980; includes initial correspondence regarding inclusion of White Clay Creek in the NRI and potential for study as Wild and Scenic, includes chart, figures and examples of forms filled out that relate to NRI inclusion for WCC.
White Clay Creek Project: A Greenway Concept for Stormwater Management and Convivial Technology Planning; July 1980; inventory and analysis of existing conditions; alternative management practices, recommendations, implementation, public information/participation.
Delaware Rivers Report; HCRS; February 1981; includes river assessment with findings, description, issues, people, options and recommendations for the White Clay Creek.
The White Clay Creek Project: A Prototype Strategy for Protecting Small Stream Valleys; Water Resources Center, University of Delaware; Spring 1982; project methodology, questionnaire, committee recommendations, strategy to protect streams, adaptations for method; also have discussion papers and appendices (Vegetation, Wildlife, Geology and Soils; Runoff Increases, Flooding, Channel Stability, Runoff Pollution, Water Quality, and Erosion and Sedimentation; Implementation Alternatives.
Interim Report of the White Clay Creek Valley Task Force; DNREC, Parks and Recreation; October 1983; history of Valley's development, recommendations and resolutions.
Wilmington Quad Map; USGS; 1984; map (1:100,000 metric) shows roads and topo lines for all of Chester County, PA and New Castle County, DE.
White Clay Creek Study; National Park Service; April 1984; national significance identification; general natural, historical, archeological and recreation resource characteristics, also recommended conservation actions; includes state legislation to create bi-state park.
White Clay Creek Watershed Map; White Clay Watershed Association Inc.; November 1987; illustrated map (1"=2m) with roads, streams and preserve.
White Clay Creek and its Tributaries, National Wild and Scenic Rivers Study; National Park Service; 1991; fact sheet that describes the wild and scenic study process.
Resources and Issues Workshop; White Clay Creek Watershed Association February 1991; summary of meeting.
White Clay Creek Watershed Base Map; National Park Service; 1992; mylar plus four prints of map (1:24000) showing roads, topo lines and outline of watershed.
White Clay Creek Base Map; National Park Service; 1992; original mylar, 3 reversible mylars and 4 prints of map (1:24000) showing hand drawn roads, towns and watershed outline; 11x17 hand drawn draft in files.
DE National Register Sites; SHPO; January 1993; survey number, property name, address, date of listing. For map, see comprehensive plan.
Birds of the White Clay Creek Valley Draft; Steve Savidge and Dorothy Miller; 1994; field check list of birds.
Land Cover 1987 and 1972; student project color xerox.
White Clay Creek Preserve, Property Map; DNREC; November 1984; map that shows PA, DE, Carpenter Park property, and DuPont leased lands.
White Clay Creek Preserve, Proposed Conceptual Management Plan; DNREC, Division of Parks and Recreation, Technical Assistance Division; January 1985; map (1:1600) showing proposed public access, proposed administrative structures, major historical/cultural resources, major wooded areas, proposed major trail, proposed abandoned road, proposed park entrance.
Greenway Fringe Planning: Controls for Land Use Adjacent to the White Clay Creek Preserve in DE and PA; University of Delaware, Water Resource Center; May 1987 conference; conference announcement; Environmental Impacts on Nature Preserves by Toby Tourbier.
White Clay Creek Preserve Recreational Guide; PADER; December 1989; map (1"=1200') of Preserve with hiking trails, bridal trails and hunting zones.
Trail of Geology, White Clay Creek Preserve; Pennsylvania Geologic Survey; 1991; geologic sites of interest, how the geology was formed; and the history of the Preserve.
Rare Plant and General Flora Survey of the White Clay Creek Natural Preserve; White Clay Creek Watershed Association; 1988; physical description of preserve; state and local rare plant lists, areas of special concern; also have an old preserve plant list and a March 1992 plant list.
White Clay Creek State Park; DNREC; July 1974; natural and social resources, recreation program, creek oriented plan, reservoir oriented plan, implementation of master plan; maps that include physical features, limitations, social parameters, design synthesis.
White Clay Creek Watershed Study Act Briefing; NPS, MARO; January, 1980; package of briefing materials on this Act.
Nationwide Rivers Inventory, Final List of Rivers; HCRS; January 1981.
Federal Register; Final Revised Guidelines for Eligibility, Classification and Management; September 1982.
National Wild and Scenic Rivers System: Final Revised Guidelines for Eligibility, Classification and Management of River Areas; Department of Agriculture; September 1982; federal register that clarifies issues.
Public Law 99-590; October 1986; Changes to the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act clarifying issues.
Wild and Scenic Rivers Act; 1987.
The Wild and Scenic Rivers Act: Orphan of Federal Environmental Law; Donna Akers; December 1990; student paper.
The Wild and Scenic Rivers Act: Perspectives on Private Land Issues; Gary Weiner, National Park Service; June 1991; working with a concerned public, wild and scenic river statistics, case histories.
Testimony of Dorothy P. Miller on The White Clay Creek Study Act; October 1991.
Federal Register, Part III, 333 CFR Part 330; November 22, 1991; Department of Defense; amendments to nationwide permit program regulations.
Congressional documents that lead to Amendment to include White Clay; July 24, 1991; November 21, 1991; November 23, 1991. Amendment to Wild and Scenic Rivers to include White Clay Creek, P.L. 102-215; December 1991.
The Wild and Scenic Rivers Act; December 1992; 68 page summary of updates, excerpts from the Act.
Final Wild and Scenic River Study, Gauley River, WV; National Park Service; August 1983; report that covers study approach, public involvement, evaluation, natural; resources, cultural resources, existing public use, guide for corridor protection.
Fact Sheet for Maurice River Wild and Scenic River Study; National Park Service; July 1987; legislative background, Wild and Scenic Act, study location, study process.
Maurice River Wild and Scenic River Study: Final Eligibility and Classification Report; National park Service; June 1988; National Wild and Scenic Rivers System, eligible sections, basis for finding of Eligibility and Classification, ineligible segments, basis for finding of ineligibility, description of area.
Great Egg Harbor River, Final Eligibility and Classification Report; NPS; August 1988; findings, area description, proposed classifications, Eligible River Segments and Proposed Classification Map, Outstandingly Remarkable Resource Value Chart.
Steps in Developing Local River Conservation Plan for the Great Egg Harbor River and its Tributaries; September 1988; setting goals, organize existing information, develop conservation plan.
Great Egg Harbor River, Wild and Scenic River Study; National Park Service; November 1989; Draft Report including the study process, assumptions, eligibility, outstandingly remarkable river-related resources maps, summary of existing protection, issues and existing threats, alternatives, recommendations, conservation plan, final recommendations.
Maurice River Wild and Scenic River Study: Synthesis of Issues, Resources and Government Programs; National Park Service; December 1989; Issues, resources, reach by reach analysis, recommendations.
Local Management Plan for the Maurice River and Its Tributaries; Cumberland County Department of Planning and Development; July 1991; environmental resources, current zoning and planning, development factors and critical areas, river conservation zone, river conservation zone ordinance; maps include outstanding resources, zoning, wetlands and uplands, critical areas, river conservation zone.
The Maurice River and Its Tributaries: National Wild and Scenic River Study; National Park Service; December 1991; Draft Report includes eligibility and classification, suitability, work of local citizen Task Force, public opinion survey, proposal s for industrial facilities, concerns of local governments, existing ownership, existing programs, alternatives, study findings, recommendations, river management plan; Tables include river segments eligible, Citizen Task Force land use recommendations, state and federal regulatory programs.
Maurice River Wild and Scenic River Study: Assumptions and Alternatives Report; National Park Service; lists assumptions, gives alternatives, has a section of questions and answers and has a contact list.
Maurice River Wild and Scenic River Study: Land Ownership Survey Report; National Park Service; draft of questionnaire findings, summary of findings.
Wild and Scenic River Survey, Physiographic Provinces 8D & 8E; US Bureau of Outdoor Recreation; January 1976; covers Kentucky, Maryland, Ohio, Pennsylvania and West Virginia; Volume I survey; Volume II support materials process.
Nationwide Rivers Inventory; Final List of Rivers; HCRS; January 1981.
River Conservation Agenda: 1990 and Beyond; American Rivers, US Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, National Park Service; August 1989; report that distills some of the ideas presented at the November 1988 conference that celebrated the 20th Anniversary of the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act.
Outstanding National Resource Waters: A Natural Resource Management Tool; National Park Service; September 1989; regulatory framework, "Outstanding National Resource Waters" as a resource management tool, guidance to NPS Managers, state by state listing of status of legislation.
Strategies for Protecting a Small Stream: A Case Study of the Wissahickon Creek; Edward Brady; April 1990; discusses strategies to protect small streams from soil erosion and sedimentation.
Wild and Scenic Rivers Studies and Plans: Technical Requirements; Rivers and Trails Conservation Assistance Conference; June 1990; outline of lecture that discussed the technical requirements, planning approaches, choosing the right approach.
The Delaware: Portrait of a River; Nature Conservancy Magazine, May/June 1992, pages 14-21; adapted from Bruce Stutz' Natural Lives, Modern Times.
A Watershed Basis for Clean Water; 1993; Margot Garcia for the American Planning Association; assumptions and framework for supporting watershed planning.
Alternatives for Congressional National Wild and Scenic River Studies; pamphlet that describes options, river workbook process, elements of a river corridor management plan.
Preparing for a Congressional National Wild and Scenic River Study; pamphlet; tasks for individuals and organizations.
Criteria for the Evaluation of a River Conservation Plan Under the Criteria of the Section 2(a)(ii) of the National Wild and Scenic Rivers Act: Westfield River Greenway Plan; list of questions that is geared to make sure the study sufficiently covers all necessary requirements.
Natural Rivers and the Public Trust; Kent Olson; glossy report on river importance; forwards by Director NPS, Chief US Forest Service, Deputy Director Bureau of Land Management.
Water Resources as the Basis for Comprehensive Planning and Development in the Christiania Basin; Joachim Tourbier/University of Delaware Water Resources Center; 1973.
Open Space Standards for the Delaware Valley; DVRPC; February 1977; park and recreation areas, natural resource preservation and conservation areas, historic sites and areas, agricultural areas; general criteria and definitions for natural landmarks, cultural landscapes, historic districts; this document does not identify sites within each category.
The Piedmont; Sierra Club Naturalist Guide; 1980; landscape types, succession, special places.
Report on the Status of the National Natural Landmarks Located in the Mid-Atlantic and North Atlantic Regions, Findings and Recommendations; National Park Service; June 1981; report that gives findings, recommendations, data collection process, responses and action taken to eliminate threats.
National Natural Landmarks; National Park Service; 1987; NPS grid pamphlet that describes determining national significance and the designation process.
Pennsylvania Index to topographic and other Map Coverage; DOI and USGS; describes USGS maps available for the state.
U.S.G.S. Quad Maps; Downingtown, Wagontown, Honey Brook, Unionville, Coatesville, Parkesburg, Wilmington North, Kennett Square, West Grove, Oxford, Wilmington South, Newark East, Newark West, quad maps (1:24000), showing all topo lines.
Stormwater Management Alternatives; Toby Tourbier, Water Resource Center, University of Delaware; xerox of chapter 2 Convivial Stormwater Management Alternatives; describes techniques to control stormwater that are lasting, functional and beautiful.
Delaware Estuary Program Brochure.
Greenspace for Delaware's Future-draft; DNREC; Resource Areas, land protection methods, acquisition criteria, implementation procedures.
Guiding Growth, Building Better Communities and Protecting Countryside; Robert E. Coughlin, Joanne R. Denworth, John C. Keene, and John W. Rogers;1993 by the Pennsylvania Environmental Council; A planning and growth management handbook for Pennsylvania municipalities.