Animals of the White Clay

NOTE: The following species lists for the White Clay Creek watershed were created during the Wild and Scenic Designation study in the 1990's.

Surveys of plants and animals on selected properties within the watershed are also being done on an on-going basis. To date these have included plants, birds, amphibians and reptiles, and stream macroinvertebrates. Surveys for many of these categories have been conducted on lands selected on the basis of the quality of the overall habitat and conservation value.  Many of these are therefore done on private properties or may indicate rare or threatened species so these reports are not publicized. The results however assist in demonstrating the value of a property for conservation funding purposes and to fill in data gaps on the resources of the watershed.  Reports which can be made public or selected sections or data will eventually be included on our website in the future.

Stroud Water Research Center has analyzed and interpreted the Macroinvertebrate Data  that was collected as part of a partnership effort (Stroud Water Research Center, White Clay Watershed Association, and later the Delaware Nature Society). This data is used to help assess the health of the creek.