Do you like to hike, bird or fish in the White Clay watershed? Do you appreciate the scenery while driving or biking through the watershed? Or perhaps you appreciate the many cultural and historic resources of the area and want to learn how to rate them as a visual resource. If scenic views are important to your experience in the White Clay watershed please consider participating in a 2-3 hour remote training opportunity with the National Park Service and at least 1 field day lasting 3-4 hours in the fall (with Covid safe procedures in place). Once you complete the training you will be qualified to rate selected scenic vistas throughout the watershed on an as needed basis.
The information gathered will help to create a visual resource inventory for the White Clay watershed providing:
a baseline for monitoring changes over time,
an additional layer of information for evaluating potential visual impacts of projects,
a basis for incorporating visual resources in watershed management and planning, and
resources for engaging in collaborative scenic conservation.
If interested in participating in the National Park Service training please contact Shane Morgan at