Saturday May 4
th White Clay Creek State Park held the 5
th annual Creek Fest and had record attendance! With a car count of 400 they conservatively estimated attendance at 1000 people! This is the highest attendance we have seen at Creek Fest, second was 2012 with an attendance of 800. The first 300 people received BPA free water bottles to encourage people to choose tap over bottled water, and White Clay Creek watershed passports were given out to encourage children and families to get out in nature and enjoy the many things that make the White Clay Creek watershed unique.
Creek Fest is put on by Delaware State Parks, White Clay Wild and Scenic Program and the National Park Service to celebrate our precious natural resource – the White Clay! It is supported by Suez United Water, The Friends of White Clay Creek State Park, the City ofNewark and The American Mushroom Institute. In addition, the PA Friends of the White Clay Creek Preserve led 40 attendees on a pre-fest Mason Dixon Hike. Saturday brought beautiful weather, together with great music by Unity Reggae, the Juggling Hoffman’s and a live bird show by Animal Behaviors and Conservation Connections. We even had a special guest announce the band, Paul Baumbach Delaware State Representative for the 23
rd District.
Families who attended enjoyed crafts, face painting, and watershed related exhibits by local organizations such as Delaware Nature Society, Tri-State Bird Rescue, Wilmington Trail Club, Hale Byrns House, Southeastern Lyme Association, OH Farm and more. New this year were local artists whose work were on display for purchase. People also enjoyed food by Homegrown Cafe, Wood Fired Pizza and UD Creamery.
View photos at:
Creek Fest 2013 Flickr and on the White Clay Creek State Park Facebook Page.