tree planting

Help Put the Woods Back in Penns Woods!

Volunteers Needed for a Riparian Reforestation at the Franklin Preserve (Franklin Township) adjacent to an impaired section of White Clay Creek.

tree planting

1,050 native trees, provided through a Pennsylvania Horticultural Society (PHS) grant from DEP’s TreeVitalize Program obtained by the Brandywine Conservancy and the Stroud Water Research Center, need to be planted on Tuesday April 23 at noon. (Site prepping crew will arrive at 8 AM for flagging and tree distribution; feel free to arrive early and help out).

Franklin Preserve Site is located off Parsons Road just a little east of Crossan Park (gated drive to Colonial Pipeline will be unlocked; proceed through unlocked gate to areas marked for parking, angling in on grass, and walk down to planting site (don’t block gate into Pipeline compound).

Wear durable and warm clothes.  Gloves.  Heavy shoes.  If you can, please bring shovels and hammers for the stakes.  Restrooms at Crossan (plan ahead).  We will cancel if heavy rain.

Contact Wes Horner at 610-388-8124 (610-350-7605 cell) with questions.