rain gardens

Collecting Rain Water and Creating Beneficial Habitat at Goddard Park.

Collecting Rain Water and Creating Beneficial Habitat at Goddard Park.

The Goddard Park rain gardens tell a story of a community coming together to promote water quality, enhance park aesthetics, and create better habitat for local pollinators and other native fauna. This is just one of many stories that illustrates a project beneficial to both local residents and the water quality of the White Clay Creek.

Plant Based Solutions to Stormwater Management

Workshop: Plant Based Solutions to Stormwater Management, July 9, 9am-Noon, London Grove Township Building. Please see attached agenda for details. This workshop is open to White Clay Municipalities, HOA's, and interested residents of the White Clay watershed. Please contact Shane Morgan for more information.

Plant Based Solutions to Stormwater Management-Workshop-Agenda-London Grove Township-PA