Newly planted rain garden functioning as a green infiltration practice, briefly holding water after a 1.5” storm event.
Harmony Park pump house rain garden and conservation planting
This is another public demonstration rain garden located in West Grove Borough installed during March-April 2024. The rain garden is fully vegetated with native plants to enhance wildlife habitat and provide a natural aesthetic. The drainage area from the adjacent pump house roof is approximately 855 square feet. Gutters were installed on the pump house and directed to the rain garden in the center of the conservation planting. In the picture above you can see where the rain garden is located, it is the area holding water for a brief (less than 72 hour) period of time. This allows the water to be infiltrated and filtered by the native plants and microbes in the soil. The overflow (during large storm events) is directed overland to the existing storm drain via both a swale and underground outlet. This project will assist the municipality with reaching its overall stormwater permit requirements, which require a reduction in volume of stormwater, as well as helping the borough meet its required minimum control measures for public education and outreach and pollution prevention/good housekeeping by managing runoff from municipal-owned land. This project was funded by the Dockstader Foundation and the National Park Service. Link to downloadable project highlight sheet.
Pump house before rain garden construction began.
Planting day.
Rain garden 36 hours post rain event. You can see that the water is almost all infiltrated.
Rain event during construction. The area holding water was dug out 12” for the future rain garden.
12 hours post rain event.
Rain garden and conservation planting 2 months post planting.