New Castle County Hosts BMP Maintenance Workshop.

Stormwater Work Shop 6-19-2013 Shane (1)

On Wednesday, June 18, New Castle County hosted a Best Management Practice (BMP) Maintenance Workshop for employees charged with managing and maintaining the BMPs throughout the County.  More than 20 New Castle County employees attended the three hour workshop which consisted of an in-class segment, followed by a hands-on component at a recently installed BMP. The workshop was presented by Shane Morgan, White Clay Creek National Wild and Scenic Rivers Program Manager, and Claudia West, MLA, Ecological Sales Specialist for North Creek Nurseries. This was a pilot workshop, the first in a series of programs we hope to offer to employees of municipal governments, government representatives, landscape contractors, home owner associations, and other organizations interested in learning about why and how we install BMPs, how they function to improve water quality, and how to maintain them so that they operate successfully.

Stormwater Work Shop 6-19-2013 Claudia (4)

The workshop began with an overview of what a watershed is an how water moves through the landscape, connecting what we do on land with the impact our actions have on water quality and quantity.  A more in depth discussion of how plant based BMPs function and look throughout different stages of establishment and seasons, and how to successfully maintain these systems followed.  Questions were taken from the attendees in advance of the workshop so that it could be specifically tailored to the needs and concerns of the county employees.

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The second part of the workshop took place at a newly installed vegetated bioswale in Hockessin, DE. The group learned how to monitor planted systems and identify problematic invasive plant species in the field. These skills are essential for proper management and the long term success of stormwater management landscapes.

While this workshop focused on municipal owned BMPs, it's equally important that the public understands that best management practices are not limited to government agencies responsible for meeting water quality standards. These practices are just as applicable to individual property owners as well. We all live in a watershed and any individual action taken to improve water quality however small it may seem, whether it's disconnecting a downspout and installing a rain barrel or rain garden, collectively adds up. If we begin to treat stormwater as a resource, instead of the nuisance we currently perceive it to be, together we can accomplish a lot.

White Clay Creek Wild and Scenic River Expansion Act Passes the Senate!

The Senate voted unanimously this past Wednesday to pass the White Clay Creek Wild and Scenic Expansion Act, S.393. This legislation, cosponsored by Delaware Senators Coons and Carper and Pennsylvania Senator Casey will add nine more stream miles under the federal designation, the majority of which are located in Pennsylvania's New Garden Township.

It is now up to the House of Representatives to determine whether this bill will become law. The bill, if enacted by Congress, will provide added protection and enhanced conservation measures with out any added cost to tax payers. Pennsylvania Representative Pitts and Delaware Representative Carney are cosponsoring the House bill, H.R. 869. Please contact your representatives and let them know your support their actions.

Read full article on Senator Coons' Blog

Learn more about the Expansion Act here.

The Fifth Annual White Clay Creek Fest boasts record attendance!

8717492931_de2c529fea_cSaturday May 4th White Clay Creek State Park held the 5th annual Creek Fest and had record attendance!  With a car count of 400 they conservatively estimated attendance at 1000 people! This is the highest attendance we have seen at Creek Fest, second was 2012 with an attendance of 800. The first 300 people received BPA free water bottles to encourage people to choose tap over bottled water, and White Clay Creek watershed passports were given out to encourage children and families to get out in nature and enjoy the many things that make the White Clay Creek watershed unique. Creek Fest is put on by Delaware State Parks, White Clay Wild and Scenic Program and the National Park Service to celebrate our precious natural resource – the White Clay!  It is supported by Suez United Water, The Friends of White Clay Creek State Park, the City ofNewark and The American Mushroom Institute.  In addition, the PA Friends of the White Clay Creek Preserve led 40 attendees on a pre-fest Mason Dixon Hike. Saturday brought beautiful weather, together with great music by Unity Reggae, the Juggling Hoffman’s and a live bird show by Animal Behaviors and Conservation Connections. We even had a special guest announce the band, Paul Baumbach Delaware State Representative for the 23rd District.

Families who attended enjoyed crafts, face painting, and watershed related exhibits by local organizations such as Delaware Nature Society, Tri-State Bird Rescue, Wilmington Trail Club, Hale Byrns House, Southeastern Lyme Association, OH Farm and more. New this year were local artists whose work were on display for purchase. People also enjoyed food by Homegrown Cafe, Wood Fired Pizza and UD Creamery.

View photos at: Creek Fest 2013 Flickr and on the White Clay Creek State Park Facebook Page.